Welcome to Closet Half Empty

I am actually an optimist at heart but when it comes to clothes I always feel that I never have enough - thus my closet is always 'half empty'. What happens when you stop looking in malls for clothes and start looking back into your own closet?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Temptation #1

I numbered this post because I believe it will be a topic of conversation throughout the year. Temptation. Yes you all know what it is so I will spare you a vocabulary lesson...however do you know how it feels........

I ventured over to the Galleria this weekend to buy Kheils with my husband at Ampersand (hey I said I was giving up clothes, not all life's luxuries), he needed his hair gel from the same shop. But the point is we went to the GALLERIA...yes the same home of Len Druskin, Epitome, BCBG and other favorite boutiques I enjoy popping into every once in a while. This was my first true test. I find it pretty easy to stay away from catalogues that arrive at our home (especially if my husband gets the mail first and throws them away before I even know they were there) and I cancelled all my e-mail alerts for Rue la la, Gilt, Neimans etc. So really the only time I am ever tempted is when I have a need to go to a mall for something that may not be clothing for myself. I.e. the lotion and hair gel.

Temptation at the Galleria came in a few forms. One was habit. Out of habit, I had to look in the windows of Len Druskin, skim the inventory and ask myself if had anything comparable to the styles they were currently displaying. The second was intrigue, there was a new store that had opened right across from Ampersand (our destination - I couldn't HELP but walk by it). This store almost looked like an Internet order store or something, I wanted to know more of what the story was on this new place. The third was sales. OH they had sales at an outdoor store on Patagonia rain jackets (something I was SURE I needed despite my three at home (But NONE of them are PATAGONIA))...And the fourth was of course...a dress that would be 'just perfect' for a shower in May for my brother's upcoming nuptials.) Kate Spade of course! Pink with black dots! I know it was perfect...

In the end it is a good thing my loyal and ever so helpful in this goal - husband Peter was with me to help 'stay the course' of our shopping trip mission. I think he was actually enjoying seeing me enjoy this torture...I remember him giggling...hum.

RESULTS: Temptation # 1 - Shopping mall - 0, Meghan - 1

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